"Video games are too political now."

Illustration. Image description. A photo of a physical copy of the video game "Bioshock The Collection" with a sticker posted with the word "WOKE" written on it. End description.

I just saw something that made me frustratingly mad. It's a video by a French YouTuber that talks about video games. And it's whining about the fact that "uhhhhhh video games are too political now."

And for fucks sake, I don't know, this was the drop that made the bucket spill for me. I can't stand it anymore. This one was too much. I am so tired of hearing this dogshit opinion coming up over and over again about video games and media being too political. And you know what's worse?! The guy talks about how he was glad that the latest Warhammer game wasn't political. Warhammer! FUCKING WARHAMMER!

What kind of a fucking imbecile says that? That Warhammer isn't political. Like, I don't know shit about Warhammer. For real, I barely know anything. And even I know that it has extremely strong criticism of fascism at its root.

Living with the fact that I have to share my oxygen with people who whinge about video games being political and how they miss the good old days like when we made video games like fucking Bioshock is almost an existential dread to me. A game which, if you don't know, is beloved by millions, is unequivocally a masterpiece of a video game, and is also an extremely obvious and unapologetic criticism of capitalism and especially libertarianism.

These are the same people that go around saying that Star Wars got "WOKE". Because women. But like, if the first Star Wars movie, A New Hope, were to come out today, they would be calling it "WOKE", and yet they're talking about it as if it's the good old days.

They go around saying, oh, I miss when movies were not so political and then they talk about fucking Star Wars. Did you miss the obvious message about falling for fascism in the prequels? Like, was the Nazis are bad allegory too subtle for you in the original trilogy? DID YOU WATCH ANDOR?!

Like... What the fuck is wrong with these people?! Are we... are we poisoning the water supplies?! Is that what's happening? Are we giving everyone brain worms? What the fuck is going on in your brain to make you believe these things? Tell me, I'm genuinely concerned for you! This is not normal!

And of course in the comment section you have a bunch of people whining about Sweet Baby Inc, this gamergate 2.0 controversy that failed to take on because there was nothing there. And I fucking hate the fact that my brain has been rotted enough for me to know what these dipshits are talking about.

And you have people that keeps on repeating in the comment section, "yeah, get "WOKE", go broke", a phrase that's been popularized by a man who's made his living on complaining about the fact that women have too many clothes in video games and how he can't jack off to them anymore because of that, crapping out multiple videos a day to whine about the latest controversy that he knows nothing about trying to infiltrate fandoms in between literally pissing in bottles on stream.

It always amazes me that there are people that genuinely believe this, when the amount of media that these people consider "WOKE" and are super successful is ridiculous. And it happens because they consider everything to be "WOKE"! Ask anyone that whines about "wokeness" or "wokeism", what the fuck are they talking about? Ask anyone of these dipshit to actually define it to you. What is something that is "WOKE"? What makes something "WOKE"? And they won't be able to tell you!

Because the bar for what is considered to be "WOKE" by these people is so low that pretty much as soon as someone isn't a straight white guy appears on screen, you'll get threads on Twitter complaining that it's "WOKE".

And you know what kills me? Is that the video game industry is FUCKING ABHORRENT! Like, SkillUp, one of the few video game-related YouTuber that I can't stand to watch nowadays, and just one of the few YouTubers in general that I like, and I pray to every god I can think of that he doesn't turn out to be a fucking horrendous person himself too, because that's what YouTubers do nowadays... anyway.

Skillup. He makes weekly videos about video game news, and I swear to you that sometimes it's more depressing to me than political news.

Because following video game news is just flat-out depressing. Everytime, it's like, "oh, hundreds of people have had their lives turned upside down because they got laid off because some greedy cunt wanted to make sure investors got even more money".

This game got shut down not even two weeks after it launched, killing eight years of development. This game got cancelled for no reason. This passion project is dead. These people got laid off. This company is a fucking horrendous workplace and there is ridiculous abuse of that one trans employee that finally decided to speak out. This one has relentless sexual harassment in it. This video game just fucked over its players. This one now has microtransactions shoved into it for no reason other than, again, making shareholders happy. On and on and on, it never stops.

And yet, somehow, these people are mad and saying that video games used to be better because they used to be less "WOKE". Like, that's what they're mad about. That is what's wrong with video games, according to them. You go to any of the Steam forums on any game and you will find without much effort someone asking: Is this game "WOKE"?

Meanwhile, nowadays I can't buy any big production video games because I'm too afraid. Even if it looks perfect, I am afraid of how are they going to fuck it up because they obviously didn't do it yet. So how is it going to happen in the future? What update is going to introduce a level of corporate greed so absurd that it would fundamentally ruin the game forever? When am I going to learn that the people that made that video game were horrendously mistreated the whole way and had to sacrifice their entire lives so that I can enjoy it?

But then you got this dumbass popping in your feed. And you go there and all you get is people whining about, oh no, the women in my video games now look like normal women and they have clothes too! Oh no, there are black people in my video game. Oh no, I can't type the fucking n-word in that online chat. Oh my god, there are trans people in this video game, it's too "WOKE"!

Oh no! I can choose my fockin' pronouns in the character creator of this empty, shallow, poorly designed, outdated and boring video game, this game is so bad now because of the pronouns and not anything else.

How can I enjoy this without being mentally deranged by the existence of people that don't look like me? Oh nooo, it's so hard, noooo...

Man, there is nothing more red flag to me nowadays than somebody unironically calling themselves a "gamer". Like, wow, that comes with such baggages nowadays.

Anyway, I'm done ranting.

If I had to add anything more, I guess I would say...

Cyberpunk 2077 allowed me to make a trans woman in the character creator down to the size of not only her breasts, but even the size of her dick which of course I made to be very small because estrogen. 10 out of 10 game, would totally recommend. I refunded the game because I didn't like it but I don't give a shit. That character creator on its own was fucking awesome. Options are amazing. Fuck you for complaining.

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