2024-09-23 memory_england

Illustration - Image description A bowl filled with tortilla (triangle shaped) chips. End description

Back in 2013, with my middle school, I got the opportunity to go to England. I have lots of memories of that, and sadly, few of them are good.

Going from the south of France all the way to England with a bus is 19 hours of drive. Nineteen hours, and that's one way. We did it twice. That is almost 40 hours stuck in a bus.

There are some good memories though.

It's in that bus that I've met a girl, and that girl... Well, I've met her 11 years ago, and it's been 7 years since we're living together now. I have lots of things to say about her. Lots of good things.

But I'm not going to talk about her today.

I have a very different memory in mind, a very strong memory actually, it's funnily enough, probably the best memory I have of that trip. And that was: coming home.

You see, I have very, very strong food difficulties because of my autism and the sensorial hypersensitivity that comes with it. Like, to give you an exemple, during that trip is when I ate my first slice of pizza, and I made another trip in high school to England, and that's when I ate my second. I've ate pizza only one other time since. It's not that I don't like it, it's just that sensorially, it's really hard.

So just like for my entire life, eating has been a complicated thing all throughout the trip.

So when I finally got home on the kitchen counter, there was a bunch of snacks and other things that I could sensorially appreciate. And I was like, what's all that? And my mom told me: "I bought all of this for you! I kept thinking the whole way through: my daughter is gonna be hungry when she comes home. Eating would have been very hard for her, so I wanted her to have food she likes when she comes home."

Notably, there was some chips that I like which actually are no longer sold. They were "Mexican flavored" tortilla-style chips that I loved very much.

Actually, I love them so much that I miss them. A friend of mine and I really loved these but they no longer exist. We still talk about them, like it actually became a running joke between us two.

And in the fridge, there was a bottle of sugarless Pepsi.

I still think very regularly of that memory. It's a really good one. It's one of the kindest thing anyone ever did for me. Food has always been a really hard thing for me, it's always been something that I had to work around. And for once in my entire life, food actually felt like something that was comforting.

Thanks, Mom. It was a small thing, and it happened eleven years ago, but I still think about it really often.

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