2024-10-11 association

Illustration. Image description. Really close up photo of a trans flag wrapped around my chest. End description.

I can't get into the specifics of what is it or its name or whatever for privacy reasons, of course, but I am now involved in a trans association as a volunteer member of it. I signed their chart. I even have a cute pin from them. It's official now. I'm in it for real.

I am now doing things that aren't going to help my local trans community because it's an association that has meant a lot for me and now I'm part of it. It feels like the cycle is complete and also a brand new start. It's amazing. I'm really happy.

Ever since I've discovered that place, I wanted to invest myself in it. It changed my life for the better in ways that they will never be able to even imagine. This place saves my life. Literally, I mean that. And now I'm an actual part of it.

It means the world to me, because this place meant the world for me, and now, I'm helping it spin.

Our community as trans people is the most important thing we have. There is nothing that is more important than this. Whatever happens, we will get through it because we have each other. It's the way we've always did it, and it will continue no matter what happens. If tomorrow's some lost change in my country and I'm no longer able to get my hormones or whatever, it would be awful and it sounds terrifying just to write that, but I know that I will get my hormones one way or another because we have the community.

This community's devotion to itself is beautiful to see. I know that if tomorrow I end up with my back against the wall, I can call for help and some of my friends will show up but also some people that I barely know will show up because a trans person is in need and we help each other.

This place has kept my heart going, and now I'm gonna help it breathe. It saved my life and it's gonna save more, I'll get to be a part of that. Actually, I know I've been a part of that. I know I've already helped people through that place because I kept going back and I kept saying things and discussing things with people that has helped them in a strong and meaningful and very powerful way.

I've already said that in the past, but me coming out didn't fix any of my problems, but it made them worth fixing. And in lots of ways it also gave meaning to my life because I'm a trans woman and it's hard being me from that fact alone. We don't live in a world that is welcoming to us at all and therefore, there is work to be done.

I am not living in a lush world of abundance. No, this dry piece of land has potential, but it needs some work. This ground needs to be fertilized in order for things to grow here. There is work to be done so that the people that come after us no longer need to do it and can just live happy lives.

If I can grow just a single plant from my work, it would've been all worth it.

I made it. I've been wanting to do this for a while. For almost a year, I've been thinking about this. And now, I'm looking at my bag and there is the pin with the logo of the association on it. I did it. I found the courage within me to step forward when the call for volunteer was made and I went along with the whole process and now I signed the chart and everything. I'm in.

I'm proud. Of this community, but also for once... of myself.

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