Changing language

When I started blogging, I had two blogs. Both were the same, it was what is now "The Perch". One was in French, one was in english. Maitning both proved too much work for me, as translating every thing I wrote sucked the fun out of blogging for me.

I decided to pick one and stick with it. Later on, I opened another, a microblog. I decided to stay in French, as it was my native tongue. Looking back, I made the wrong choice. The reality, is that I have multiple ways of writing and that blogging is only one of them. In all other forms: I write in English, because even though I had to learn it, it comes that naturally to me.

More often than not: When some writing comes to me, it comes to me in English. Which means that I was translating English to French in my mind everytime I wrote and often, I couldn't make it sound as good.

I have lots of others reasons. One of them is also the fact that French is just really hard for me. I spend a lot of time correcting my writing grammar-wise and so on, because French can be quite a pain and I've reached a point of annoyance with it that changing language felt like the right thing to do.

IN SHORT: Writing in English simply feels that more natural for me. My blog and my microblog are ultimately my own space. If I don't feel like myself when writing on them, then something is wrong, then something needs to change. This is that change.


Moving forwards, all future content posted on my two blogs will be exclusively in English. This is the only post that will be written in two language.

Regarding previous content: I will try and translate what I already did, it make take me sometime but I'll get to it eventually.

I also made a french archive of everything I posted so that the originals never get lost.

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