The RSS feeds are split into three different to avoid an over-abondance of posts and also help with seperation between what is interesting and not interesting. I would suggest subscribing to both the blog and the journal ones. The microblog, I'd be more careful with due to the high frequency of posts on there. The meta is a cool bonus for update about the site itself.

Due to the nature of how Bearblog works, I don't want people to use the full RSS feed because they would get a bunch of things that they're simply not supposed to get, like archive things, among other things. Even using the "all" feed, it wouldn't be everything that's on here. If I were to give you a full RSS feed, I promise you this: You will hate me and I will ruin your feed.

So instead, I'm giving you the option to subscribe to what you want.

# feeds

> For main blog posts.
>> Approximate frequency of posts: Once a month.

> For journal posts.
>> Approximate frequency of posts: Multiple times per weeks.

> For microblog posts.
>> Approximate frequency of posts: Up to multiple times per days.

> For update and general meta posts.
>> Approximate frequency of posts: Less than once a month.

> For blog, journal, microblog and meta posts.
>> Approximate frequency of posts: A lot.